ホーム > 連絡先一覧 > 商工労働部産業政策課 > 国際ビジネスサポートデスク INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SUPPORT DESK > Ishikawa Prefectural Government Singapore Representative Office
The Ishikawa Prefectural Government Singapore Representative Office was established in October 2014 in response to a strong interest in Southeast Asia and businesses in emerging nations. Singapore was chosen due to its traits of being a central information and transport hub in Southeast Asia. The office provides information related to investments in Southeast Asia,organises a network of Ishikawa companies and related organisations in Southest Asia,and promotes small-mid size business development in Ishikawa as well as inward investments.
Ishikawa International Business Support Desk
We provide counseling for Ishikawa companies that want to expand thier business overseas or establish an overseas business base. We welcome
inquiries and requests related to the latest information on foreign markets, participation in exhibitions, finding business partners, etc.